Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Weekly Newsletters

Here are our newsletters for the past few weeks. :)

Week of May 26

Week of May 19

 Week of May 5

Friday, May 12, 2017

Friday, April 28, 2017

Weekly Newsletter

Happy Friday! Whew! Lots of testing this week with the Forward Exam, but we are ready to celebrate today as we wrap up!!! :)

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Symmetry and Lines

Math I/E Forward Practice

Types of Lines:
1. Watch this video to review parallel and perpendicular lines 

2. Watch this video to review types of angles

3. Watch this video to review how to use a protractor to measure angles:

3. Play these games to practice types of lines and angles:  When you get 5 out of 5 on both games, you can begin Task Two.

1. Watch this video to review Symmetry

2. Play these games to practice Symmetry: When you get 5 out of 5 on both games, you can play a math game on

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Thanks for the new books!! :)

Our class is so excited that Lauren, Elly, Sam, & Sam shared new books with our class from the Book Fair. Thank you so much for adding these amazing books to our classroom library!!

Weathering and Erosion Investigation

We had a blast investigating weathering and erosion using sandstone rocks!! :)

Weekly Newsletter - March 8

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Barkhausen Field Trip

We had a blast on our field trip to Barkhausen! In the morning we learned about the fur trade from our guide Jason. We saw some furs and learned about how the Native Americans bartered with the French fur traders for items. We also saw inside a wigwam and learned how they fur traders and Native Americans started their fires. We played a fun game too that many Native American children played.

In the afternoon, we had a great time learning about winter survival with our guide Dani. Dani shared the 4 keys things we would need to survive and then she took us out into the "wilderness" and in our teams we built a shelter for one person and worked to start our own campfires to melt snow. The kids did awesome and it was so much fun!!

Check out our class Facebook page for photos of our fun day! There are over 80 pictures from our adventures! :)

 In the wigwam with Jason as he demonstrates how the fur traders and Native American started their fires.
Dani is preparing us for our winter survival task! Get ready to build a shelter!!

Weekly Newsletter

Here is our newsletter for this week! Just a reminder that our Patriotic Concert will be on Tuesday morning at 9:45 in the Valley View gym! Can't wait to see the kids perform!

Liquid Measurement

Tonight the kids have some fun homework along with their conversions! They are on the hunt for metric liquid measurements (Liters) they can find around the house. They can jot down what they find in their planners, post a picture on our class Facebook page (VV-Ciha) here in the comments. If the container is empty, they can bring it in to school tomorrow. We'll use these to get an idea of what these measurements look like. We may also use them to work on conversions between units.

One example is a Liter of soda! Image result for examples of liters

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Weekly Newsletter

Here is our newsletter recapping our learning for the week of January 31 - February 3.

Quizlet Review

We had a great time reviewing all we learned about the French Explorers, Missionaries, and the French and Indian War using the website Quizlet. We worked in small teams to answer review questions and compete against the other teams.

Dialogue in our Writing

We have been working to incorporate dialogue into our writing. This week we used picture books for strong models and the formatting of dialogue. We practiced with a partner writing dialogue into our stories by switching notebooks. It was so much fun!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Friday, January 27, 2017

Comparison Problems in Math

We have been working to solve comparison word problems in math this week. We discussed how addition and subtraction are inverse operations as well as multiplication and division. We used this knowledge to help us write equations using variables to solve. Here we are during our Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up activity solving word problems with various partners. :)

Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, table, office and indoor

Weekly Newsletter

Here is what we worked on during the week of January 23-January 27. :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Weekly Newsletter

Here is our Newsletter recapping the week of January 16-19. :) I am also including last week's!